Sunday, June 3, 2007

Alone in a Crowd

So I was crazy enough to do it. I did the San Diego Rock n Roll Marathon on Sunday. The week leading up to it was very stressful at work. We worked so much overtime that I had no time to work out, zip, nada. I was hoping to do it around 5 hours but I was willing to settle for a 12 minute/mile pace which was my original goal. However, that was not to be, not this time at least.
Bib   FName  LName City           State  Age  Sex ChipTime ClockTime Overall SexPl DivPl AgeGrade pace  ttlrace ttldiv ttlsex 10k      half     21_mi
16941 Daniel Fort West Hollywood CA 52 M 5:37:01 5:47:11 11806 6492 491 42.1% 12:52 15958 611 7729 1:12:52 2:37:45 4:21:52

The splits show how badly I fell off my pace:
10K     = 11:56 min/mile
Half = 12:02 min/mile
21 mi = 12:28 min/mile
26.1 mi = 12:52 min/mile

Even though I carefully calibrated the Polar RS800sd, it was once again way off showing 44.5 kilometers when it should have recorded 42.26 kilometers.
Data                  Value  Unit
Duration 5:37:00
Sampling Rate 5 s
Running Index 41
Energy Expenditure 3847 kcal
Number of Heart Beats 53933 beats
Recovery -39 beats
Minimum Heart Rate 123 bpm
Average Heart Rate 160 bpm
Maximum Heart Rate 172 bpm
Standard Deviation 5.8 bpm
Minimum Pace 15:47 min/km
Average Pace 7:35 min/km
Maximum Pace 4:22 min/km
Distance 44.5 km
Minimum Cadence 49 rpm
Average Cadence 72 rpm
Maximum Cadence 90 rpm

However, it does show graphically that the biggest change happened in the last quarter of the race.

Oh well--here is another nice metal to add to my collection.

I'm a bit tired, somewhat disappointed, but already thinking of the next race--a 5K racewalk at:

SAT: JUNE 9, 2007
CSU Long Beach