I made a couple of mistakes, I went too slow and forgot about putting something on my inner thighs to prevent chaffing.
My daily runs have been averaging about 7 to 7:30 minutes per kilometer on a hilly course. The 10K at the Dead Sea averaged 7 minutes per kilometer so for a LSD (long slow distance) run I've been told to add 30 seconds per mile to the pace. Converted to kilometers that would be no slower than a 7:45 pace but my average on this run was an agonizingly slow 8:20 per kilometer, or 13:24 minutes per mile. A pace that lethargic makes for extra tired legs--but on the plus side I did get out and run.
Here's a chart of today's progress.

To add to the disappointment, I've got chaffed inner thighs. I've had this before and should have known better. Normally I'd apply some Body Glide before heading out, but where can I get that in Jerusalem? Maybe good old Vaseline petroleum jelly will do the trick, though it wears off quickly. A quick search on the Internet made for some entertaining reading. I copied these tips from Kevin Sayers' Ultra Running Resource Web Site.
Lycra Buns I earned the nickname "Lycra buns" as a result of the large number of brightly-colored short tights I ran in. With my "thunder thighs" I got chafing the first mile I ever ran. Someone suggested the tights, and I never looked back. Stay away from the biker shorts. They have two problems -- they usually have padded seats which work fine on a bike seat, but are hell for running, and they are cut to conform to the body in a crouch on a seat, not standing up for running.My best source was the "workout" short section in our local Target. Once I got over feeling just a little silly in them, I started heading for the women's section where the better pattern selection was.If you feel silly wearing them, you can always wear regular running shorts over them. I like the feeling of freedom, and occasionally a whistle...I've got 'em short and long, thick and thin, and wouldn't run in anything else.Try 'em, you'll like 'em.
Hawk ...I will be switching back to compression (biker) shorts. and using my FAVORITE thing, Bag Balm. PLEASE use bag balm... I discovered it in my cycling days. it is found in feed stores or hardware stores, and is designed for cows udders when they get chafed from the milking machines. it stays on WAY longer than Vaseline, and it contains some healing stuff as well. it comes in a square green can, and I guess it's a little trendy now cause they make it in a small human size can too, which costs considerably more.But it's just the most wonderful thing for things that chafe. I mean, if it can help a sore teat on a milker, then it is good for me!
Bonnie Busch I saw liberal use of Body-Glide at the 100k USA championships this weekend as well as good old Vaseline. Several years ago Dr. Andy Lovey published his own mixture for chafing, that I prefer.It was published in Ultrarunner magazine many years ago, probably early 90s. Dr. Lovy is an ultrarunner, most recent public siting was in Across the Years 24-48 Hour run, DEC97. I received this information as a friendly gesture, without warranty, without guarantees, without warnings, without clinic tests, without FDA approval, without medical evidence, without anything (get the picture!), which is how I pass it along to you. What else can I say to keep me out of legal trouble? I am not responsible, use your own judgment, and never perform your trial in your one big race this year.Most items can be easily found at a drug store, generally in the same shelving area. I have seen this mixture used for chafing and for blisters. (I have never seen anybody eat it, yet.)Here goes:
Mix A&D ointment, Destin ointment, and Vaseline in equal parts. Add vitamin E cream and aloe vera cream.Been awhile, but I recall if I used 1 cup of A&D, 1 cup of Destin, and 1 cup of Vaseline, then I used « cup to 1/4 cup of vitamin E and « cup to 1/4 cup of aloe vera cream, enough to make it smooth and nice smelling. I did not use my kitchen utensils to measure this so measurements were not exact. I believe the creams made it smoother, more consistent and aided healing. (Mixture should be stiff, yet applicable.) Obviously a single batch can last quite awhile if ingredients are purchased in sizable quantities. Purchasing the ingredients in small, resoluble jars is a good move - got to have some place to put this stuff after you have mixed it, and do modify the label so as not confuse anybody. I have stored mine in the refrigerator for years.The last batch I mixed up was years ago now. It not only protects skin from chafing but can help heal the skin and also is helpful with blister prevention. Low cost and effective.
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