Friday, September 15, 2006

Calm before the Storm

Very easy walk this morning but the Dave McGovern class starts tonight--looking forward to a big racewalking weekend! Funny thing is that I got messages from his racewalking alumni site and he announced today that he is engaged to be married.

15 Sep 2006, 6:47 AM
Distance: 3.00 mi
Time: 43:37
Pace: 14:29 min/mi

I was able to stop the workout at the right distance, but the time seemed too long. In addition, the first mile went on for about 200+ meters longer than usual. As a double check I stopped the Timex at the "usual" ending point.

Timex: 41:42
Timex pace: 13:54

That's much better, I was trying to keep a 14 min/mile. Nice and comfortable and I'm pretty sure I'd be able to keep up this pace for 26.2 miles.

Something new on this walk--new shoes. The New Balance MRW111B racewalking shoes. These are the ones that I had to exchange from a size 9 1/2 to a size 10. They still feel a bit tight on the sides, guess my foot is an E and not the standard D that these shoes come in. Still, they fealt pretty good and I was very careful to keep the pressure off the heels to prevent a reoccurance of the nasty blisters I got from the smaller size.