Anyway, tomorrow is the L.A. Marathon. This morning I did my 3-minute hard workout, with a 5-minute warm up and 10-minute cool down/stretching afterwards. This was the last phase of the taper/carbo-loading ritual, except for maybe the spaghetti I had for lunch. I also picked up my bib, timing chip and goodie bag for the marathon at the "Quality of Life Expo" located in the L.A. Convention Center. The number is pinned to my jersey, timing chip strapped to my shoelace, fuel belt packed with GU, sunglasses, hat, foot powder, watch, heart rate monitor, cell phone, credit card, license and a few dollars stashed away. The only thing that's left is to decide where would be the best place to park and how to get my wife, nephew, brother and me to the starting line on time. Details, details.
Am I ready? I did my best to get through the knee injuries, blisters, good and bad workouts and worst of all, the self doubt. In a way it doesn't really matter how well I do tomorrow. I'm in much better shape than when I started training for this. I'm ready!
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