Saturday, April 21, 2007

Lost in Time

Well--not really lost in time like in a science fiction story, but I can't figure out how to get today's workout statistics out of my new running watch. I did speed work with the Southern Cal Walkers and kept up with Pedro Santoni for a while longer than usual. That's because it was a shorter workout, 5x 200 meters, 3x 300 meters and 1x 400 meters. I turned off auto lapping at 1 kilometer intervals and instead started and stopped a new workout on each of the repeats. The distance was pretty accurate for the most part but I can only read the last 400 meters statistics--where did all the other repeats go? I can't even find the workouts that were stored from earlier in the week.

Oh well, that ends a rather crazy week where I worked so much overtime that I didn't have time for my Thursday and Friday morning workouts. The good news is that the distance measurements on the RS800sd seems pretty accurate, the most it was off was on the last 400 meters, which is the only repeat that I can retrieve right now.
Start Time:     7:59:24
Total Distance: 0.36 km
Total Workout: 2:07.6
Heart Rate
Min = 131bpm (68%)
Max = 181bpm (94%)
Avg = 173bpm (90%)
Max = 106
Avg = 77
Stride Length Avg = 109cm
Pace min/km
Max = 03:34
Avg = 05:48

That's what the watch says, but it was 400 meters, 0.40 kilometers so the pace was actually 5:17 min/km or 8:30 min/mile. Too bad I don't have the times for all the repeats, I did one of the 200 meters under a minute. That's better than 5:00 min/km or 8:02 min/mile pace. This is the fastest I've ever racewalked--though not very far!