Thursday, April 5, 2007

Ramping Up

Burning the candle at both ends is starting to wear me down. I'm working overtime and still trying to do things with the family while my nephew is on Spring break. Last night I took them out to see "Blades of Glory" which was good for some laughs. I started out slow and achy but felt better the more miles I put behind me.
Mile 1 - 14:06                   (8:46 min/km)
Mile 2 - 12:54 (8:01 min/km)
Mile 3 - 11:59 (7:27 min/km)
Mile 4 - 11:22 (7:04 min/km)
Mile 5 - 11:35 (7:12 min/km)
Mile 6 - 10:51 (6:45 min/km)
Total Workout - 1:12:49
Average Pace - 12:08 min/mile (7:32 min/km)

If I throw out the first couple of miles because they were just warmup, the average pace was 11:27 min/mile (7:07 min/km) which is pretty much my long distance race pace, a 5-hour marathon.